We can achieve greatness when we start small.
With your personal promise
to your mother earth!
The 2020 UN Climate Change Conference has been postponed until November 2021 as a result of the COVID 19 pandemic. The postponement is a major setback for climate protection. Urgently needed improvements to the 2015 Paris climate agreement will thus be delayed by another year. The return of the expedition ship „Polarstern“, the largest Arctic expedition ever, in October 2020 shows us: Melting permafrost, fires in the Arctic Circle – the Arctic is warming more than twice as fast as the rest of the Earth …
We can only meet this existential challenge to stop further warming together: Every person who thinks of himself, his children and his fellow human beings with love and understanding has a responsibility. The Fridays for Future movement has shown us that the younger people are, the more they are willing not only to look, but also to act. Before we wait another year for politicians to make final decisions, we can make a promise to each other:
„My Promise to Mother Earth“ is YOUR promise to YOUR Earth and YOUR fellow human beings, which you implement for yourself Your most important promise for these years – perhaps the most important promise of your life!
The My Promise Mother Earth project aims to collect at least one million promises for a better tomorrow. Each promise represents a person who pledges their individual contribution to solving the climate crisis within their means. If everyone changes his behavior, his consumption and his habits a little bit, our mother earth with all her living beings is helped. We can’t wait for politics to force us to change our behavior for the better. We have to take our own responsibility in the long run and take a radical step in our everyday life for future generations to reduce the negative effects on the climate.
The association „My Promise Mother Earth e.V.“ coordinates all activities around this big project, collects donations and supporters for it : We would like to win companies that are also willing to make their promise. The donations associated with these promises, will be used exclusively for the purpose of the project.
The project was inspired and initiated by the action artist Arnd Drossel, who will accompany and frame the period of the promise collection from December 2020 to September 2021 with public environmental art actions.
In addition to these actions, all artists, activists, people and also companies worldwide are called upon to also spread the idea of common trade with individual actions.
The organization is built for the common good – United in mypromise.earth for the protection of our earth!
The association
We can’t wait for politics to force us to change our behavior for the better. We have to take our collective responsibility ourselves. We need to take a significant, tangible step in our everyday lives for future generations to reduce the negative effects on the climate.
The association „My Promise Mother Earth e.V.“ was founded in December 2020 to coordinate a spectacular environmental art action, a pilgrimage to collect promises, and the related activities around this major project . For this purpose the non-profit recognized association donations and supporters. The income of the association is used exclusively for the realization of these actions as well as for environmental protection projects such as tree planting.